Global One Worldwide IT Infrastructure

Project name: Network Event Data Mediation (EDM) System Name and address of Client: Global One, 13775 McLearen, Oakhill, VA 20171 Contact name: Mr. Mark Hess, Project Manager, Tel: 720 482 8560
Period of Contract: 27 months:

Description of services provided:
GECII teamed up with EHPT as a systems integrator and channel partner to engineer and implement various business and operational support solutions for Global One at their sites worldwide. The team designed and implemented, tested and made operational a complete EDM system for the collection, safeguarding, processing, achieving and transporting to Global One downstream organizations all network event information on a worldwide basis. The GECII system architecture was built around the EHPT Billing Mediation Platform, BMP, HP 9000 mini computer systems and Cisco router and switch systems.

The Event Data Management has been implemented at worldwide sites in 17 cities including Washington DC, Sydney, London, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, Moscow, Taipei, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Toronto, Paris, etc. GECII and EHPT have also engineered fraud formatting, web-enabled management and billing solutions that are being introduced into the Global One network.

GECII designed and implemented a globally web enabled agent/manager network performance and monitoring system. The system was developed on a UNIX platform running on a HP 9000 minicomputer, with an oracle database, reports in Crystal Reports and agent/manager communications in both CMIP and TCP/IP.

Dollar Amount of Contract: $2,700,000
Status and comments: Project has been completed and accepted