First USA Tactical Command and Control Center

Project name: Tactical Command Center and Display System Name and address of client: Thanksgiving Tower, Pacific & Harwood, Dallas, Texas 75201 Contact person: Mr. Gary Chestnut, Program Manager, Tel: 817 925 6176 Description of services provided:

GECII, under contract to First USA Bank, defined requirements, developed architecture, designed and implemented on turnkey basis a Tactical Command and Control Center in the Dallas First USA headquarters, which allows First USA access, manipulation and control of information on the World Wide Money Market Funds Transaction System. The Command Center uses a custom video switcher developed by GECII, to tie into major global money markets in Chicago, New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris and Tokyo markets and facilitate real time trade. GECII defined designed and implemented a credit validation into a visa gateway.

GECII designed this digital broadcast system that ties into Bloomberg TV, Reuters and Dow Jones. GECII then designed and built a private 4-way video conferencing and video training

network with multimedia affiliate systems and nodes in Dallas, Phoenix, Baton Rouge, Salt City, New York, Miami, Dover and Los Angeles.

Dollar amount of contract: $500,000
Status and comments: Project has been successfully completed and is operational.